CAN-AM Lifeline Search & Rescue
Eureka, Montana
Latest News
Time to Prepare!
Changing Seasons
With the change in seasons, it's always a good time to check your emergency supplies, your backpack, and your vehicle to be sure you are ready.
Food for Thought
How You Can Help
Search & Rescue is a funny business. Most people think it's exciting and great because we get to help people. We swoop in like heros and save the day. And while sometimes that's true, a lot of times we spend hours or days or weeks searching without success. Or go on a recovery call instead of a rescue call.
So with that in mind, consider the following statements.
The best search is the one that never needed to happen. And the best rescue is the one that happens before someone actually needed to be rescued.
Maybe it makes more sense if we talk about prevention versus a cure.
In recent years, we've noticed an increase in people going missing because they either wanted to, or were in a diminished mental state for one reason or another. These aren't hikers or hunters that got turned around a bit. This is different. This is harder. And this is heartbreaking for everyone involved.
What if we could help these people before they went missing (prevention) instead of trying to find them afterwards (cure)? What if we took the time to talk to someone who was having a tough time, instead of recovering them after they could no longer be helped? What if everyone that needed a little help or just a kind ear to listen to them, had that available?
I'd like everyone to make a conscious effort to reach out to family, friends, or even strangers. A kind word goes a really long way, especially now. Ask how they are doing. And listen to their answer. I mean really listen. Like a life might depend on it. You never know. You might be the hero that swoops in and saves the day.
CAN-AM Search & Rescue operates under direct supervision of the Lincoln County Sherrif's Office
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