CAN-AM Lifeline Search and Rescue

Can-Am Search & Rescue official website

CAN-AM Search & Rescue (Canadian-American) was founded in 1974 as a Citizen's Band (CB) Radio club. Based in Eureka, Montana, the original founders intended on aiding in communications on search and rescue missions which were, at the time, managed by other organizations.

Shortly after founding the organization, a need for a dedicated search and rescue team was recognized and CAN-AM Search & Rescue was born. Today, due to stricter international border regulations, CAN-AM Search & Rescue no longer operates in Canada but still continues to serve the beautiful Tobacco Valley and surrounding areas as a non-profit organization.


Over three decades ago, members of the Junior Chambers of Commerce, along with the local CB Club, with members in both Canada and Eureka, became interested in reviving a search and rescue unit for the area.

The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Eureka advertised a general meeting that would be held February 19, 1976 in the REA meeting room for those interested. Enough interest was shown to deem it feasible to start the new unit.

The first election of officers was held on March 4, 1976. The new unit was led by these officers; President: Donald Lundeen, Vice President: Donald Potter, Secretary: Faith Erickson, and Treasurer: Ruth Yerian

The first units for team members were: CB’s, Snowcatters, Horses, Bikes, 4x4’s, Pack Equipment, Boats, Divers, Airplanes. There were approximately 40 members who were charged a $5 membership fee. We work directly with the Sheriff’s office.

Can-Am’s first contribution to the community was to sponsor a film presented by the Coast Guard Auxiliary, June 24, 1976.

Cam-Am’s first base station was at the home of Leigh and Faith Erickson, then moved to the new building (our present location) in 1998.

The search and rescue barn started out as a dream--a place to house the equipment, vehicles, radios, and hold meetings. Grants from the Steel Reece Foundation, the local VFW, and Plum Creek got the building started. Hard work from the members got it built. It was usable in 1998, and some members have been upgrading the building since.

Can-Am keeps a scrapbook of all search and rescue missions published in the newspaper, and picture albums with photos of special events is kept in the office. Feel free to look at them any time.

Before moving into the new building, equipment was stored at members’ houses, and when the Eureka Ambulance built their new facility, their old barn was given to Can-Am to store equipment.

The command van was purchased in 1994 from the Eureka Ambulance Service for $3000. When Can-Am paid $1000 towards the vehicle, the Ambulance Service Donated the rest. The 4x4 was a donation from a person who wants to remain anonymous.

Most of our funds come from mill levies and fund raisers.